조지오웰의 동물 농장 Chapter 6의 내용을 정리해 보았습니다.
Chapter VI [제6장] All that year the animals worked like slaves. [그 해 동안 동물들은 노예처럼 일했습니다.] But they were happy in their work; they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything that they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them, and not for a pack of idle, thieving human beings. [그러나 그들은 자신들의 일에 행복했습니다; 그들은 모든 노력이나 희생을 아끼지 않았고 그들이 하는 모든 것이 자신들과 그 후에 올 그들 같은 종류의 이익을 위한 것이며 나태하고 도둑질하는 인간들을 위한 것이 아님을 잘 알고 있었습니다.] Throughout the spring and summer they worked a sixty-hour week, and in August Napoleon announced that there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well. [봄과 여름 동안 그들은 일주일에 60시간 일했고 8월에 나폴레옹은 일요일 오후에도 일할 것이라고 발표했습니다.] This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half. [이 일은 엄격하게 자발적인 것이었지만 그것에서 결석하는 동물은 그의 먹이를 절반으로 줄일 것이었습니다.] Even so, it was found necessary to leave certain tasks undone. [그럼에도 불구하고 특정 작업을 완료하지 않는 것이 필요하다는 것이 밝혀졌습니다.] The harvest was a little less successful than in the previous year, and two fields which should have been sown with roots in the early summer were not sown because the ploughing had not been completed early enough. [수확은 전년도보다 조금 덜 성공적이었고 초기 여름에 뿌려져야 했던 두 개의 밭은 경작이 충분히 일찍 완료되지 않았기 때문에 뿌려지지 않았습니다.] It was possible to foresee that the coming winter would be a hard one. [다가오는 겨울이 힘들 것이라는 것을 예상할 수 있었습니다.] The windmill presented unexpected difficulties. [풍차는 예상치 못한 어려움을 제시했습니다.] There was a good quarry of limestone on the farm, and plenty of sand and cement had been found in one of the outhouses, so that all the materials for building were at hand. [농장에는 좋은 석회석 채석장이 있었고 한 창고에서는 모래와 시멘트가 충분히 발견되어 건축에 필요한 모든 재료가 준비되어 있었습니다.] But the problem the animals could not at first solve was how to break up the stone into pieces of suitable size. [하지만 동물들이 처음에 해결하지 못했던 문제는 돌을 적절한 크기의 조각으로 어떻게 나눌 것인지였습니다.] There seemed no way of doing this except with picks and crowbars, which no animal could use, because no animal could stand on his hind legs. [견딜 수 있는 동물이 없기 때문에 괭이와 지렛대를 사용하는 것 이외에 이를 수행하는 방법이 없어 보였습니다.] Only after weeks of vain effort did the right idea occur to somebody-namely, to utilise the force of gravity. [몇 주간의 헛된 노력 끝에 누군가에게 옳은 생각이 떠올랐는데 그것은 중력의 힘을 활용하는 것이었습니다.] Huge boulders, far too big to be used as they were, were lying all over the bed of the quarry. [너무 크게 사용될 수 없는 거대한 바위들이 채석장의 바닥 곳곳에 놓여 있었습니다.] The animals lashed ropes round these, and then all together, cows, horses, sheep, any animal that could lay hold of the rope—even the pigs sometimes joined in at critical moments—they dragged them with desperate slowness up the slope to the top of the quarry, where they were toppled over the edge, to shatter to pieces below. [동물들은 이들에게 줄을 묶었고 그런 다음 모두 함께 소, 말, 양, 줄을 잡을 수 있는 어떤 동물이든 - 심지어 돼지들도 때때로 결정적인 순간에 참여했습니다 - 그들은 느릿느릿 그것들을 경사면을 따라 채석장 꼭대기까지 끌어올렸습니다. 그곳에서 그들은 가장자리에서 넘어져서 아래로 조각이 났습니다.] Transporting the stone when it was once broken was comparatively simple. [돌이 한 번 깨지면 돌을 운반하는 것은 비교적 간단했습니다.] The horses carried it off in cart-loads, the sheep dragged single blocks, even Muriel and Benjamin yoked themselves into an old governess-cart and did their share. [말들은 그것을 카트에 실어 나르고 양들은 단독 블록을 끌었고 심지어 뮤리엘과 벤자민조차도 구식 유모차에 매여 그들의 몫을 했습니다.] By late summer a sufficient store of stone had accumulated, and then the building began, under the superintendence of the pigs. [늦여름까지 충분한 돌이 쌓였고 그러면서 돼지들의 감독 아래 건축이 시작되었습니다.] But it was a slow, laborious process. [그러나 이는 느리고 힘든 과정이었습니다.] Frequently it took a whole day of exhausting effort to drag a single boulder to the top of the quarry, and sometimes when it was pushed over the edge it failed to break. [종종 하루 종일 지칠 때까지의 노력을 기울여 하나의 바위를 채석장 꼭대기까지 끌어올리는데 때로는 그것이 가장자리를 넘어갈 때 깨지지 않았습니다.] Nothing could have been achieved without Boxer, whose strength seemed equal to that of all the rest of the animals put together. [모든 다른 동물들의 힘을 합친 것과 같아 보이는 복서 없이는 아무것도 이루어질 수 없었습니다.] When the boulder began to slip and the animals cried out in despair at finding themselves dragged down the hill, it was always Boxer who strained himself against the rope and brought the boulder to a stop. [바위가 미끄러지기 시작하고 동물들이 자신들이 언덕 아래로 끌려 내려가는 것을 발견하며 절망적으로 울부짖을 때마다 항상 복서가 줄에 힘을 주어 바위를 멈추게 했습니다.] To see him toiling up the slope inch by inch, his breath coming fast, the tips of his hoofs clawing at the ground, and his great sides matted with sweat, filled everyone with admiration. [그를 보며 경사면을 천천히 올라가는 모습, 숨이 차게 빠르게 도는 모습, 발굽 끝이 땅을 할퀴는 모습 그리고 그의 큰 옆모습이 땀으로 젖어 있는 모습은 모두를 감탄하게 했습니다.] Clover warned him sometimes to be careful not to overstrain himself, but Boxer would never listen to her. [클로버는 때때로 그에게 너무 과도하게 자신을 가혹하게 하지 않도록 주의하라고 경고했지만, 복서는 그녀의 말을 절대 듣지 않았습니다.] His two slogans, "I will work harder" and "Napoleon is always right," seemed to him a sufficient answer to all problems. [그의 두 가지 슬로건, "나는 더 열심히 일할 것이다"와 "나폴레옹은 항상 옳다"는 그에게 모든 문제에 대한 충분한 대답처럼 보였습니다.] He had made arrangements with the cockerel to call him three-quarters of an hour earlier in the mornings instead of half an hour. [그는 닭이 그를 아침에 30분이 아닌 45분 일찍 부르도록 계획을 세웠습니다.] And in his spare moments, of which there were not many nowadays, he would go alone to the quarry, collect a load of broken stone, and drag it down to the site of the windmill unassisted. [그리고 그런 순간이 요즘에는 많지 않지만 여유로운 순간에 그는 혼자서 채석장으로 가서 깨진 돌을 모으고 그것을 도움 없이 풍차의 위치로 끌고 갔습니다.] The animals were not badly off throughout that summer, in spite of the hardness of their work. [그들의 일이 어려운 데도 불구하고 그 여름 동안 동물들은 그다지 나쁘지 않았습니다.] If they had no more food than they had had in Jones's day, at least they did not have less. [그들이 존스의 시절보다 더 많은 음식을 가지고 있지 않더라도 적어도 그들은 더 적게 가지고 있지 않았습니다.] The advantage of only having to feed themselves, and not having to support five extravagant human beings as well, was so great that it would have taken a lot of failures to outweigh it. [자신들만 먹이면 되고 5명의 사치스러운 인간들을 지원할 필요가 없다는 장점은 너무 컸기 때문에 이것을 상쇄할만한 많은 실패가 필요했을 것입니다.] And in many ways the animal method of doing things was more efficient and saved labour. [그리고 많은 방면에서 동물들의 일하는 방식은 더 효율적이었고 노동을 절약했습니다.] Such jobs as weeding, for instance, could be done with a thoroughness impossible to human beings. [예를 들어 인간들이 불가능하다고 여기던 제초와 같은 작업은 철저하게 수행될 수 있었습니다.] And again, since no animal now stole, it was unnecessary to fence off pasture from arable land, which saved a lot of labour on the upkeep of hedges and gates. [또한 이제는 어떤 동물도 도둑질 하지 않으므로 풀밭을 경작지에서 울타리로 막을 필요가 없었고 울타리와 문의 유지 보수에 많은 노동을 절약할 수 있었습니다.] Nevertheless, as the summer wore on, various unforeseen shortages began to make them selves felt. [그럼에도 불구하고 여름이 지남에 따라 여러 가지 예상치 못한 부족이 느껴지기 시작했습니다.] There was need of paraffin oil, nails, string, dog biscuits, and iron for the horses' shoes, none of which could be produced on the farm. [파라핀 오일, 못, 실, 개 비스킷, 말 신발에 필요한 철 등이 필요했는데 이 모든 것들은 농장에서 생산될 수 없었습니다.] Later there would also be need for seeds and artificial manures, besides various tools and, finally, the machinery for the windmill. [나중에는 씨앗과 인공 비료뿐 아니라 여러 가지 도구와 마침내는 풍차를 위한 기계도 필요할 것이었습니다.] How these were to be procured, no one was able to imagine. [이들이 어떻게 조달될 것인지 아무도 상상할 수 없었습니다.] One Sunday morning, when the animals assembled to receive their orders, Napoleon announced that he had decided upon a new policy. [일요일 아침 동물들이 명령을 받기 위해 모였을 때 나폴레옹은 새로운 정책을 결정했다고 발표했습니다.] From now onwards Animal Farm would engage in trade with the neighbouring farms: not, of course, for any commercial purpose, but simply in order to obtain certain materials which were urgently necessary. [이제부터 동물 농장은 이웃하는 농장들과 교역을 시작할 것입니다: 물론, 어떤 상업적 목적으로가 아니라 급하게 필요한 특정 재료를 얻기 위해서만입니다.] The needs of the windmill must override everything else, he said. [그는 풍차의 필요성이 모든 것을 앞선다고 말했습니다.] He was therefore making arrangements to sell a stack of hay and part of the current year's wheat crop, and later on, if more money were needed, it would have to be made up by the sale of eggs, for which there was always a market in Willingdon. [그는 따라서 건초 한 더미와 올해의 밀 수확량 일부를 팔기 위한 준비를 하고 있었고 나중에 더 많은 돈이 필요하다면 항상 윌링던에 시장이 있는 계란 판매로 메꿔야 할 것입니다.] The hens, said Napoleon, should welcome this sacrifice as their own special contribution towards the building of the windmill. [나폴레옹은 말했습니다. “암탉들은 이 희생(계란판매)으로 특별한 기여를 해 풍차 건설을 하는 것에 환영해야 한다.”] Once again the animals were conscious of a vague uneasiness. [다시 한번 동물들은 애매한 불안감을 의식했습니다.] Never to have any dealings with human beings, never to engage in trade, never to make use of money—had not these been among the earliest resolutions passed at that first triumphant Meeting after Jones was expelled? [인간들과의 어떤 거래도 하지 않을 것, 교역에 참여하지 않을 것, 돈을 사용하지 않을 것 - 이것들이 과연 존스가 추방된 후 첫 번째 승리의 회의에서 통과된 가장 초기의 결의 중 하나가 아니었나요?] All the animals remembered passing such resolutions: or at least they thought that they remembered it. [모든 동물들은 그러한 결정을 내린 것을 기억했습니다: 또는 적어도 그들은 그것을 기억하고 있다고 생각했습니다.] The four young pigs who had protested when Napoleon abolished the Meetings raised their voices timidly, but they were promptly silenced by a tremendous growling from the dogs. [나폴레옹이 회의를 폐지했을 때 항의했던 네 마리의 젊은 돼지들이 소심하게 목소리를 높였지만 개들의 엄청난 으르렁거림에 즉시 침묵시켰습니다.] Then, as usual, the sheep broke into "Four legs good, two legs bad!" and the momentary awkwardness was smoothed over. [그런 다음 평소처럼 양들이 "네 다리는 좋고, 두 다리는 나쁘다!"라고 외치며 잠시의 어색함이 풀렸습니다.] Finally Napoleon raised his trotter for silence and announced that he had already made all the arrangements. [마침내 나폴레옹은 침묵을 위해 그의 앞다리를 들어 올리고 그가 이미 모든 준비를 마쳤다고 발표했습니다.] There would be no need for any of the animals to come in contact with human beings, which would clearly be most undesirable. [동물들이 인간들과 접촉할 필요가 없을 것이며 이는 분명히 가장 바람직하지 않을 것입니다.] He intended to take the whole burden upon his own shoulders. [그는 전체 부담을 자신의 어깨에 짊어지려고 했습니다.] A Mr. Whymper, a solicitor living in Willingdon, had agreed to act as intermediary between Animal Farm and the outside world, and would visit the farm every Monday morning to receive his instructions. [윌링던에 사는 변호사인 휘머 씨가 동물 농장과 외부 세계 사이의 중개인으로 행동하는 것에 동의했고, 그는 매주 월요일 아침에 농장을 방문하여 지시사항을 받을 것입니다.] Napoleon ended his speech with his usual cry of "Long live Animal Farm!" and after the singing of 'Beasts of England' the animals were dismissed. [나폴레옹은 그의 평소의 외침인 "동물 농장 만세!"로 그의 연설을 마쳤고 '잉글랜드의 짐승들'의 노래가 끝나고 동물들은 해산되었습니다.] Afterwards Squealer made a round of the farm and set the animals' minds at rest. [그 후 스퀄러는 농장을 돌며 동물들의 마음을 편안하게 했습니다.] He assured them that the resolution against engaging in trade and using money had never been passed, or even suggested. [그는 무역에 참여하고 돈을 사용하는 것에 대한 결의안이 절대로 통과되지 않았으며 심지어 제안조차 되지 않았다고 확신시켰습니다.] It was pure imagination, probably traceable in the beginning to lies circulated by Snowball. [그것은 순전히 상상력이었으며 처음에는 스노우볼이 퍼뜨린 거짓말에서 비롯된 것일 가능성이 있습니다.] A few animals still felt faintly doubtful, but Squealer asked them shrewdly, "Are you certain that this is not something that you have dreamed, comrades? Have you any record of such a resolution? Is it written down anywhere?" [몇몇 동물들은 여전히 약간 의심스럽게 느껴졌지만 스퀄러는 그들에게 영리하게 물었습니다. "동지들, 이것이 꿈에서 본 것이 아닌지 확신하는가요? 이러한 결의에 대한 기록이 있나요? 어디에라도 적혀 있나요?"] And since it was certainly true that nothing of the kind existed in writing, the animals were satisfied that they had been mistaken. [그리고 이런 종류의 것이 확실히 글로 존재하지 않았기 때문에 동물들은 자신들이 잘못 이해했다는 것에 만족했습니다.] Every Monday Mr. Whymper visited the farm as had been arranged. [매주 월요일에는 정해진 대로 와이머 씨가 농장을 방문했습니다.] He was a sly-looking little man with side whiskers, a solicitor in a very small way of business, but sharp enough to have realised earlier than anyone else that Animal Farm would need a broker and that the commissions would be worth having. [그는 교활해 보이는 작은 사내였고 사업에서 아주 작은 부분을 차지하는 변호사였지만 동물 농장이 중개인을 필요로 하고 그 수수료가 가치 있을 것이라는 것을 누구보다 먼저 깨달았을 만큼 똑똑했습니다.] The animals watched his coming and going with a kind of dread, and avoided him as much as possible. [동물들은 그의 출입을 어떤 종류의 공포로 지켜보며 그를 가능한 한 피했습니다.] Nevertheless, the sight of Napoleon, on all fours, delivering orders to Whymper, who stood on two legs, roused their pride and partly reconciled them to the new arrangement. [그럼에도 불구하고 네 발로 서 있는 나폴레옹이 두 발로 서 있는 와이머에게 명령을 내리는 모습은 그들의 자부심을 불러일으키고 그들을 새로운 배열에 부분적으로 화해시켰습니다.] Their relations with the human race were now not quite the same as they had been before. [그들의 인간과의 관계는 이제 그들이 이전에 있었던 것과는 아주 같지 않았습니다.] The human beings did not hate Animal Farm any less now that it was prospering; indeed, they hated it more than ever. [인간들은 동물 농장이 번창하고 있음에도 불구하고 동물 농장을 덜 싫어하지 않았습니다; 실제로 그들은 그것을 어느 때보다 더 싫어했습니다.] Every human being held it as an article of faith that the farm would go bankrupt sooner or later, and, above all, that the windmill would be a failure. [모든 사람들은 그것을 믿음의 대상으로 삼았다. 언젠가는 농장이 파산할 것이며 그 중에서도 특히 풍차가 실패할 것이라는 것을.] They would meet in the public-houses and prove to one another by means of diagrams that the windmill was bound to fall down, or that if it did stand up, then that it would never work. [그들은 술집에서 모여서 다른 사람들에게 그림을 통해 바람개비가 반드시 무너질 것이거나 그것이 서 있다 해도 절대로 작동하지 않을 것이라고 증명했다.] And yet, against their will, they had developed a certain respect for the efficiency with which the animals were managing their own affairs. [그럼에도 불구하고 그들의 의지에 반해 그들은 동물들이 자신들의 일을 효율적으로 관리하는 것에 대한 일정한 존경을 느끼게 되었습니다.] One symptom of this was that they had begun to call Animal Farm by its proper name and ceased to pretend that it was called the Manor Farm. [이의 한 가지 증상은 그들이 동물 농장을 그것의 제대로 된 이름으로 부르기 시작하고 그것이 메너 농장이라고 부르는 척하는 것을 그만두었다는 것입니다.] They had also dropped their championship of Jones, who had given up hope of getting his farm back and gone to live in another part of the county. [그들은 또한 존스를 지지하는 것을 그만 두었는데 존스는 농장을 되찾을 희망을 포기하고 카운티의 다른 지역으로 이사했다.] Except through Whymper, there was as yet no contact between Animal Farm and the outside world, but there were constant rumours that Napoleon was about to enter into a definite business agreement either with Mr. Pilkington of Foxwood or with Mr. Frederick of Pinchfield—but never, it was noticed, with both simultaneously. [와이머를 통하지 않으면 아직 동물 농장과 외부 세계 사이에는 접촉이 없었지만 나폴레옹이 폭스우드의 필킹턴 씨나 핀치필드의 프레드릭 씨와 확정적인 사업 협약을 맺을 것이라는 끊임없는 소문이 있었습니다 - 그러나 눈에 띄게도 두 사람과 동시에는 결코 그렇지 않았습니다.] It was about this time that the pigs suddenly moved into the farmhouse and took up their residence there. [이 때쯤 되어서야 돼지들이 갑자기 농장 주택으로 이사를 가서 거기에 거주하기 시작했습니다.] Again the animals seemed to remember that a resolution against this had been passed in the early days, and again Squealer was able to convince them that this was not the case. [다시 동물들은 이에 대한 결의가 초기에 통과되었다는 것을 기억하는 것 같았고 스퀄러는 다시 이것이 사실이 아니라고 그들을 설득할 수 있었습니다.] It was absolutely necessary, he said, that the pigs, who were the brains of the farm, should have a quiet place to work in. [그는 농장의 두뇌인 돼지들이 조용한 곳에서 일할 수 있어야 한다고 말했습니다.] It was also more suited to the dignity of the Leader (for of late he had taken to speaking of Napoleon under the title of "Leader") to live in a house than in a mere sty. [또한, 최근에 그가 "리더"라는 제목으로 나폴레옹에 대해 말하기 시작한 지도로 리더의 존엄성에는 단지 돼지우리보다는 집에 살아야 한다고도 말했습니다.] Nevertheless, some of the animals were disturbed when they heard that the pigs not only took their meals in the kitchen and used the drawing-room as a recreation room, but also slept in the beds. [그럼에도 불구하고 돼지들이 부엌에서 식사를 하고 그림방을 휴게실로 사용할 뿐만 아니라 침대에서 잔다는 것을 듣고 일부 동물들은 불안해했습니다.] Boxer passed it off as usual with "Napoleon is always right!", but Clover, who thought she remembered a definite ruling against beds, went to the end of the barn and tried to puzzle out the Seven Commandments which were inscribed there. ["나폴레옹은 항상 옳다!"라는 보통의 말로 복서가 그것을 넘어갔지만 침대에 대한 명확한 규정을 기억하는 것 같았던 클로버는 헛간의 끝까지 가서 거기에 새겨진 7가지 계명을 이해하려고 노력했습니다.] Finding herself unable to read more than individual letters, she fetched Muriel. [자신이 개별 문자 이상을 읽을 수 없다는 것을 알게 된 그녀는 뮤리엘을 불렀습니다.] "Muriel," she said, "read me the Fourth Commandment. Does it not say something about never sleeping in a bed?" ["뮤리엘," 그녀가 말했습니다, "나에게 네 번째 계명을 읽어줘. 그것이 침대에서 잔다는 것에 대해 언급하지 않았나?"] With some difficulty Muriel spelt it out. [어려움을 겪으면서 뮤리엘이 그것을 읽어주었습니다.] "It says, 'No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets,"' she announced finally. ["그것은 '어떤 동물도 시트가 있는 침대에서 잠을 자면 안 된다'라고 말하고 있습니다," 그녀는 마침내 발표했습니다.] Curiously enough, Clover had not remembered that the Fourth Command mentioned sheets; but as it was there on the wall, it must have done so. [놀랍게도 클로버는 네 번째 계명에 시트에 관한 언급이 있었음을 기억하지 못했지만 그것이 벽에 있었기 때문에 받아들여야 했습니다.] Squealer, who happened to be passing at this moment, attended by two or three dogs, was able to put the whole matter in its proper perspective. [그리고 우연히 이 순간 지나가고 있던 스퀄러는 두세 마리의 개들을 동반하면서 전체 상황을 적절한 관점에서 설명할 수 있었습니다.] "You have heard then, comrades," he said, "that we pigs now sleep in the beds of the farmhouse? And why not? ["동지들이요," 그는 말했습니다, "우리 돼지들이 이제 농장의 침대에서 잔다는 것을 들었나요? 그리고 왜 아니겠습니까?] You did not suppose, surely, that there was ever a ruling against beds? A bed merely means a place to sleep in. [침대에 대한 규정이 있었다고 생각하지 않았을 테니까요? 침대는 단지 잠을 자는 장소를 의미합니다.] A pile of straw in a stall is a bed, properly regarded. The rule was against sheets, which are a human invention. [마구간의 짚 더미는 적절히 보면 침대입니다. 규칙은 인간이 발명한 시트에 대한 것이었습니다.] We have removed the sheets from the farmhouse beds, and sleep between blankets. And very comfortable beds they are too! [우리는 농장 침대의 시트를 제거하고 이불 사이에서 잡니다. 그리고 그들은 아주 편안한 침대입니다!] But not more comfortable than we need, I can tell you, comrades, with all the brainwork we have to do nowadays. You would not rob us of our repose, would you, comrades? You would not have us too tired to carry out our duties? [하지만 우리가 필요로 하는 것보다 더 편안하지는 않습니다. 나는 당신에게 말할 수 있습니다. 동지들이여, 우리가 요즘에 해야 할 모든 두뇌 작업과 함께 당신은 우리의 휴식을 빼앗지 않을 것입니다. 동지들이여? 당신은 우리가 너무 피곤해서 우리의 의무를 수행하지 못하게 만들 것이 아니겠죠?] Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back?" [당신들 중에는 분명히 존스를 다시 보고 싶어하는 사람은 없겠죠?] The animals reassured him on this point immediately, and no more was said about the pigs sleeping in the farmhouse beds. [동물들은 즉시 이 점을 확신시켰고 더 이상 농장 침대에서 자는 돼지들에 대해 이야기하지 않았습니다.] And when, some days afterwards, it was announced that from now on the pigs would get up an hour later in the mornings than the other animals, no complaint was made about that either. [그리고 몇 일 후에 돼지들이 이제 다른 동물들보다 아침에 한 시간 늦게 일어날 것이라고 발표되었을 때 그것에 대해서도 불만이 제기되지 않았습니다.] By the autumn the animals were tired but happy. [가을이 되어서 동물들은 피곤하지만 행복했습니다.] They had had a hard year, and after the sale of part of the hay and corn, the stores of food for the winter were none too plentiful, but the windmill compensated for everything. [그들은 힘든 한 해를 보냈고 건초와 옥수수의 일부를 판매한 후에 겨울용 식량 저장고는 넉넉하지 않았지만 풍차가 모든 것을 보상해 주었습니다.] It was almost half built now. After the harvest there was a stretch of clear dry weather, and the animals toiled harder than ever, thinking it well worth while to plod to and fro all day with blocks of stone if by doing so they could raise the walls another foot. [이제 거의 절반 가량이 지어졌습니다. 수확 후에는 맑고 건조한 날씨가 계속되었고 동물들은 벽을 또 한 피트 높일 수 있다면 하루 종일 돌 덩어리를 가지고 왔다갔다하는 것이 충분히 가치 있는 일이라고 생각하면서 어느 때보다 더 열심히 일했습니다.] Boxer would even come out at nights and work for an hour or two on his own by the light of the harvest moon. [복서는 심지어 밤에 나와서 수확 달빛 아래에서 혼자 한 두 시간 동안 일하기도 했습니다.] In their spare moments the animals would walk round and round the half-finished mill, admiring the strength and perpendicularity of its walls and marvelling that they should ever have been able to build anything so imposing. [여가 시간에 동물들은 반쯤 완성된 밀을 돌아다니며 그 벽의 힘과 수직성을 존경하고 그들이 그런 웅장한 것을 지을 수 있었다는 것에 놀랐습니다.] Only old Benjamin refused to grow enthusiastic about the windmill, though, as usual, he would utter nothing beyond the cryptic remark that donkeys live a long time. [그러나 오직 노령의 벤자민만이 풍차에 대해 열광적으로 변하지 않았고 평소처럼 그는 나귀가 오래 산다는 암호 같은 말 이외에는 아무 말도 하지 않았습니다.] November came, with raging south-west winds. [남서풍이 몰아치는 11월이 왔습니다.] Building had to stop because it was now too wet to mix the cement. [시멘트를 섞기에 너무 축축해서 건축을 멈춰야 했습니다.] Finally there came a night when the gale was so violent that the farm buildings rocked on their foundations and several tiles were blown off the roof of the barn. [결국 폭풍이 너무 격렬해서 농장 건물들의 기반이 흔들렸고 몇몇 지붕 타일들이 헛간의 지붕에서 날아갔습니다.] The hens woke up squawking with terror because they had all dreamed simultaneously of hearing a gun go off in the distance. [닭들은 모두가 동시에 멀리서 총소리를 들었다는 꿈을 꾸었기 때문에 공포에 소리치며 깨어났습니다.] In the morning the animals came out of their stalls to find that the flagstaff had been blown down and an elm tree at the foot of the orchard had been plucked up like a radish. [아침에 동물들이 자신들의 마구간에서 나와 깃대가 넘어졌고 과수원 아래의 느릅나무가 무처럼 뽑혀져 있다는 것을 발견했습니다.] They had just noticed this when a cry of despair broke from every animal's throat. A terrible sight had met their eyes. The windmill was in ruins. [그들이 이것을 방금 알아챘을 때 모든 동물의 목에서 절망의 비명이 터져 나왔습니다. 끔찍한 광경이 그들의 눈 앞에 펼쳐졌습니다. 풍차가 폐허가 되었습니다.] With one accord they dashed down to the spot. Napoleon, who seldom moved out of a walk, raced ahead of them all. [그들은 일제히 그 장소로 달려갔습니다. 거의 걷기만 하는 나폴레옹이 모두 앞서서 뛰었습니다.] Yes, there it lay, the fruit of all their struggles, levelled to its foundations, the stones they had broken and carried so laboriously scattered all around. [그렇습니다, 그곳에 그들의 모든 노력의 결실이 거기에 놓여 있었습니다. 기초까지 평평하게 만들어져 그들이 고생스럽게 깨고 나르던 돌들이 주변에 흩어져 있었습니다.] Unable at first to speak, they stood gazing mournfully at the litter of fallen stone. [처음에는 말할 수 없어서 그들은 쓰러진 돌들을 슬프게 바라보며 서 있었습니다.] Napoleon paced to and fro in silence, occasionally snuffing at the ground. His tail had grown rigid and twitched sharply from side to side, a sign in him of intense mental activity. [나폴레옹은 조용히 앞뒤로 걸어다니며 가끔 땅을 코로 냄새를 맡았습니다. 그의 꼬리는 딱딱하게 굳어져서 양쪽으로 심하게 흔들리며 그 안에 강렬한 정신 활동의 신호였습니다.] Suddenly he halted as though his mind were made up. [갑자기 그는 마치 결심한 것처럼 멈추었습니다.] "Comrades," he said quietly, "do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!" he suddenly roared in a voice of thunder. ["동지들," 그는 조용히 말했습니다, "이 일을 누가 한 건지 아시나요? 밤에 찾아와 우리의 풍차를 무너뜨린 적이 누구인지 아시나요? 스노우볼!" 그는 갑자기 천둥같은 목소리로 굉음을 내뿜었습니다.] "Snowball has done this thing! In sheer malignity, thinking to set back our plans and avenge himself for his ignominious expulsion, this traitor has crept here under cover of night and destroyed our work of nearly a year. ["스노우볼이 이 일을 한 것입니다! 순전히 악의에서 우리의 계획을 뒤로 미루고 자신의 불명예스러운 추방에 대한 복수를 하려는 이 배신자가 밤에 몰래 여기로 기어들어와 거의 1년 동안의 우리의 작업을 파괴하였습니다.] Comrades, here and now I pronounce the death sentence upon Snowball. 'Animal Hero, Second Class,' and half a bushel of apples to any animal who brings him to justice. A full bushel to anyone who captures him alive!" ["동지들, 바로 여기에서 나는 스노우볼에게 사형 선고를 합니다. '동물 영웅, 2등급,' 그리고 그를 정의로서 처벌하는 동물에게도 사과 반 부셸(곡물이나 과일의 중량 단위로 8갤런)을 그를 살아있는 채로 잡는 누구에게든 전체 부셸을 주겠습니다!"] The animals were shocked beyond measure to learn that even Snowball could be guilty of such an action. [동물들은 스노우볼마저도 이런 행동을 할 수 있다는 것을 알고 어마어마하게 놀랐습니다.] There was a cry of indignation, and everyone began thinking out ways of catching Snowball if he should ever come back. [분노의 외침이 있었고 모두가 스노우볼이 다시 돌아온다면 그를 어떻게 잡을 수 있을지 생각하기 시작했습니다.] Almost immediately the footprints of a pig were discovered in the grass at a little distance from the knoll. [거의 바로 봉우리에서 약간 떨어진 곳의 잔디에서 돼지의 발자국이 발견되었습니다.] They could only be traced for a few yards, but appeared to lead to a hole in the hedge. [그들은 몇 야드 밖에 추적할 수 없었지만 울타리의 구멍으로 이어지는 것처럼 보였습니다.] Napoleon snuffed deeply at them and pronounced them to be Snowball's. He gave it as his opinion that Snowball had probably come from the direction of Foxwood Farm. [나폴레옹은 그것들을 깊게 훌쩍이며 그것들이 스노우볼의 것이라고 선언했습니다. 그는 스노우볼이 아마도 폭스우드 농장 방향에서 왔을 것이라고 의견을 냈습니다.] "No more delays, comrades!" cried Napoleon when the footprints had been examined. "There is work to be done. This very morning we begin rebuilding the windmill, and we will build all through the winter, rain or shine. ["더 이상의 지체는 없다. 동지들!" 나폴레옹은 발자국이 조사된 후에 외쳤습니다. "할 일이 있습니다. 바로 오늘 아침에 우리는 풍차를 다시 건설하기 시작하며 비나 눈이 오든 우리는 겨울 내내 건설할 것입니다.] We will teach this miserable traitor that he cannot undo our work so easily. Remember, comrades, there must be no alteration in our plans: they shall be carried out to the day. Forward, comrades! Long live the windmill! Long live Animal Farm!" ["우리는 이 비참한 배신자에게 그가 우리의 작업을 그렇게 쉽게 취소할 수 없다는 것을 가르칠 것입니다. 기억하세요. 동지들, 우리의 계획에는 어떤 변경도 있어서는 안 됩니다: 그들은 그 날까지 이행되어야 합니다. 앞으로 나아가라. 동지들! 풍차 만세! 동물 농장 만세!"] |
Chapter VI All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work; they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything that they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them, and not for a pack of idle, thieving human beings. Throughout the spring and summer they worked a sixty-hour week, and in August Napoleon announced that there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well. This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half. Even so, it was found necessary to leave certain tasks undone. The harvest was a little less successful than in the previous year, and two fields which should have been sown with roots in the early summer were not sown because the ploughing had not been completed early enough. It was possible to foresee that the coming winter would be a hard one. The windmill presented unexpected difficulties. There was a good quarry of limestone on the farm, and plenty of sand and cement had been found in one of the outhouses, so that all the materials for building were at hand. But the problem the animals could not at first solve was how to break up the stone into pieces of suitable size. There seemed no way of doing this except with picks and crowbars, which no animal could use, because no animal could stand on his hind legs. Only after weeks of vain effort did the right idea occur to somebody-namely, to utilise the force of gravity. Huge boulders, far too big to be used as they were, were lying all over the bed of the quarry. The animals lashed ropes round these, and then all together, cows, horses, sheep, any animal that could lay hold of the rope—even the pigs sometimes joined in at critical moments—they dragged them with desperate slowness up the slope to the top of the quarry, where they were toppled over the edge, to shatter to pieces below. Transporting the stone when it was once broken was comparatively simple. The horses carried it off in cart-loads, the sheep dragged single blocks, even Muriel and Benjamin yoked themselves into an old governess-cart and did their share. By late summer a sufficient store of stone had accumulated, and then the building began, under the superintendence of the pigs. But it was a slow, laborious process. Frequently it took a whole day of exhausting effort to drag a single boulder to the top of the quarry, and sometimes when it was pushed over the edge it failed to break. Nothing could have been achieved without Boxer, whose strength seemed equal to that of all the rest of the animals put together. When the boulder began to slip and the animals cried out in despair at finding themselves dragged down the hill, it was always Boxer who strained himself against the rope and brought the boulder to a stop. To see him toiling up the slope inch by inch, his breath coming fast, the tips of his hoofs clawing at the ground, and his great sides matted with sweat, filled everyone with admiration. Clover warned him sometimes to be careful not to overstrain himself, but Boxer would never listen to her. His two slogans, "I will work harder" and "Napoleon is always right," seemed to him a sufficient answer to all problems. He had made arrangements with the cockerel to call him three-quarters of an hour earlier in the mornings instead of half an hour. And in his spare moments, of which there were not many nowadays, he would go alone to the quarry, collect a load of broken stone, and drag it down to the site of the windmill unassisted. The animals were not badly off throughout that summer, in spite of the hardness of their work. If they had no more food than they had had in Jones's day, at least they did not have less. The advantage of only having to feed themselves, and not having to support five extravagant human beings as well, was so great that it would have taken a lot of failures to outweigh it. And in many ways the animal method of doing things was more efficient and saved labour. Such jobs as weeding, for instance, could be done with a thoroughness impossible to human beings. And again, since no animal now stole, it was unnecessary to fence off pasture from arable land, which saved a lot of labour on the upkeep of hedges and gates. Nevertheless, as the summer wore on, various unforeseen shortages began to make them selves felt. There was need of paraffin oil, nails, string, dog biscuits, and iron for the horses' shoes, none of which could be produced on the farm. Later there would also be need for seeds and artificial manures, besides various tools and, finally, the machinery for the windmill. How these were to be procured, no one was able to imagine. One Sunday morning, when the animals assembled to receive their orders, Napoleon announced that he had decided upon a new policy. From now onwards Animal Farm would engage in trade with the neighbouring farms: not, of course, for any commercial purpose, but simply in order to obtain certain materials which were urgently necessary. The needs of the windmill must override everything else, he said. He was therefore making arrangements to sell a stack of hay and part of the current year's wheat crop, and later on, if more money were needed, it would have to be made up by the sale of eggs, for which there was always a market in Willingdon. The hens, said Napoleon, should welcome this sacrifice as their own special contribution towards the building of the windmill. Once again the animals were conscious of a vague uneasiness. Never to have any dealings with human beings, never to engage in trade, never to make use of money—had not these been among the earliest resolutions passed at that first triumphant Meeting after Jones was expelled? All the animals remembered passing such resolutions: or at least they thought that they remembered it. The four young pigs who had protested when Napoleon abolished the Meetings raised their voices timidly, but they were promptly silenced by a tremendous growling from the dogs. Then, as usual, the sheep broke into "Four legs good, two legs bad!" and the momentary awkwardness was smoothed over. Finally Napoleon raised his trotter for silence and announced that he had already made all the arrangements. There would be no need for any of the animals to come in contact with human beings, which would clearly be most undesirable. He intended to take the whole burden upon his own shoulders. A Mr. Whymper, a solicitor living in Willingdon, had agreed to act as intermediary between Animal Farm and the outside world, and would visit the farm every Monday morning to receive his instructions. Napoleon ended his speech with his usual cry of "Long live Animal Farm!" and after the singing of 'Beasts of England' the animals were dismissed. Afterwards Squealer made a round of the farm and set the animals' minds at rest. He assured them that the resolution against engaging in trade and using money had never been passed, or even suggested. It was pure imagination, probably traceable in the beginning to lies circulated by Snowball. A few animals still felt faintly doubtful, but Squealer asked them shrewdly, "Are you certain that this is not something that you have dreamed, comrades? Have you any record of such a resolution? Is it written down anywhere?" And since it was certainly true that nothing of the kind existed in writing, the animals were satisfied that they had been mistaken. Every Monday Mr. Whymper visited the farm as had been arranged. He was a sly-looking little man with side whiskers, a solicitor in a very small way of business, but sharp enough to have realised earlier than anyone else that Animal Farm would need a broker and that the commissions would be worth having. The animals watched his coming and going with a kind of dread, and avoided him as much as possible. Nevertheless, the sight of Napoleon, on all fours, delivering orders to Whymper, who stood on two legs, roused their pride and partly reconciled them to the new arrangement. Their relations with the human race were now not quite the same as they had been before. The human beings did not hate Animal Farm any less now that it was prospering; indeed, they hated it more than ever. Every human being held it as an article of faith that the farm would go bankrupt sooner or later, and, above all, that the windmill would be a failure. They would meet in the public-houses and prove to one another by means of diagrams that the windmill was bound to fall down, or that if it did stand up, then that it would never work. And yet, against their will, they had developed a certain respect for the efficiency with which the animals were managing their own affairs. One symptom of this was that they had begun to call Animal Farm by its proper name and ceased to pretend that it was called the Manor Farm. They had also dropped their championship of Jones, who had given up hope of getting his farm back and gone to live in another part of the county. Except through Whymper, there was as yet no contact between Animal Farm and the outside world, but there were constant rumours that Napoleon was about to enter into a definite business agreement either with Mr. Pilkington of Foxwood or with Mr. Frederick of Pinchfield—but never, it was noticed, with both simultaneously. It was about this time that the pigs suddenly moved into the farmhouse and took up their residence there. Again the animals seemed to remember that a resolution against this had been passed in the early days, and again Squealer was able to convince them that this was not the case. It was absolutely necessary, he said, that the pigs, who were the brains of the farm, should have a quiet place to work in. It was also more suited to the dignity of the Leader (for of late he had taken to speaking of Napoleon under the title of "Leader") to live in a house than in a mere sty. Nevertheless, some of the animals were disturbed when they heard that the pigs not only took their meals in the kitchen and used the drawing-room as a recreation room, but also slept in the beds. Boxer passed it off as usual with "Napoleon is always right!", but Clover, who thought she remembered a definite ruling against beds, went to the end of the barn and tried to puzzle out the Seven Commandments which were inscribed there. Finding herself unable to read more than individual letters, she fetched Muriel. "Muriel," she said, "read me the Fourth Commandment. Does it not say something about never sleeping in a bed?" With some difficulty Muriel spelt it out. "It says, 'No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets,"' she announced finally. Curiously enough, Clover had not remembered that the Fourth Commandment mentioned sheets; but as it was there on the wall, it must have done so. And Squealer, who happened to be passing at this moment, attended by two or three dogs, was able to put the whole matter in its proper perspective. "You have heard then, comrades," he said, "that we pigs now sleep in the beds of the farmhouse? And why not? You did not suppose, surely, that there was ever a ruling against beds? A bed merely means a place to sleep in. A pile of straw in a stall is a bed, properly regarded. The rule was against sheets, which are a human invention. We have removed the sheets from the farmhouse beds, and sleep between blankets. And very comfortable beds they are too! But not more comfortable than we need, I can tell you, comrades, with all the brainwork we have to do nowadays. You would not rob us of our repose, would you, comrades? You would not have us too tired to carry out our duties? Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back?" The animals reassured him on this point immediately, and no more was said about the pigs sleeping in the farmhouse beds. And when, some days afterwards, it was announced that from now on the pigs would get up an hour later in the mornings than the other animals, no complaint was made about that either. By the autumn the animals were tired but happy. They had had a hard year, and after the sale of part of the hay and corn, the stores of food for the winter were none too plentiful, but the windmill compensated for everything. It was almost half built now. After the harvest there was a stretch of clear dry weather, and the animals toiled harder than ever, thinking it well worth while to plod to and fro all day with blocks of stone if by doing so they could raise the walls another foot. Boxer would even come out at nights and work for an hour or two on his own by the light of the harvest moon. In their spare moments the animals would walk round and round the half-finished mill, admiring the strength and perpendicularity of its walls and marvelling that they should ever have been able to build anything so imposing. Only old Benjamin refused to grow enthusiastic about the windmill, though, as usual, he would utter nothing beyond the cryptic remark that donkeys live a long time. November came, with raging south-west winds. Building had to stop because it was now too wet to mix the cement. Finally there came a night when the gale was so violent that the farm buildings rocked on their foundations and several tiles were blown off the roof of the barn. The hens woke up squawking with terror because they had all dreamed simultaneously of hearing a gun go off in the distance. In the morning the animals came out of their stalls to find that the flagstaff had been blown down and an elm tree at the foot of the orchard had been plucked up like a radish. They had just noticed this when a cry of despair broke from every animal's throat. A terrible sight had met their eyes. The windmill was in ruins. With one accord they dashed down to the spot. Napoleon, who seldom moved out of a walk, raced ahead of them all. Yes, there it lay, the fruit of all their struggles, levelled to its foundations, the stones they had broken and carried so laboriously scattered all around. Unable at first to speak, they stood gazing mournfully at the litter of fallen stone. Napoleon paced to and fro in silence, occasionally snuffing at the ground. His tail had grown rigid and twitched sharply from side to side, a sign in him of intense mental activity. Suddenly he halted as though his mind were made up. "Comrades," he said quietly, "do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!" he suddenly roared in a voice of thunder. "Snowball has done this thing! In sheer malignity, thinking to set back our plans and avenge himself for his ignominious expulsion, this traitor has crept here under cover of night and destroyed our work of nearly a year. Comrades, here and now I pronounce the death sentence upon Snowball. 'Animal Hero, Second Class,' and half a bushel of apples to any animal who brings him to justice. A full bushel to anyone who captures him alive!" The animals were shocked beyond measure to learn that even Snowball could be guilty of such an action. There was a cry of indignation, and everyone began thinking out ways of catching Snowball if he should ever come back. Almost immediately the footprints of a pig were discovered in the grass at a little distance from the knoll. They could only be traced for a few yards, but appeared to lead to a hole in the hedge. Napoleon snuffed deeply at them and pronounced them to be Snowball's. He gave it as his opinion that Snowball had probably come from the direction of Foxwood Farm. "No more delays, comrades!" cried Napoleon when the footprints had been examined. "There is work to be done. This very morning we begin rebuilding the windmill, and we will build all through the winter, rain or shine. We will teach this miserable traitor that he cannot undo our work so easily. Remember, comrades, there must be no alteration in our plans: they shall be carried out to the day. Forward, comrades! Long live the windmill! Long live Animal Farm!" |
번역기로 번역을 한 후 다듬은 내용이라 매끄럽지 못한 부분이 있을 수도 있는데 참고해서 봐 주세요. 도움이 되셨기를 바랍니다. 다음에 챕터7이 이어집니다.
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조지오웰의 동물농장 Chapter 7 (0) | 2024.03.13 |
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조지오웰의 동물농장 Chapter 4 (2) | 2024.03.01 |
조지오웰의 동물농장 Chapter 3 (3) | 2024.02.29 |